Obsessed: Two Variations of Food Consumption
Over the past couple weeks I have had numerous conversations about nutrition, daily diet habits, things that people are doing well,...

Taking It To The Next Level
For many, obstacle course racing is an extreme sport that may be intriguing (or not). An obstacle race could be a bucket list item that...
Your Children's Diet vs Your Diet
At Coachman we’ve recently started up a spring partner challenge. This challenge isn’t so much about a body transformation, as it is more...

Beach Season....ehhh Spring Break Is Here!
With warm temps, in Michigan, creating a smile on everyone's face and just about everyone heading south for a little "break", we wanted...

Personal Training vs Group Training
As a gym that focuses on group training, at Coachman Training Systems, we do offer a ton of personal training. Personal training is how...
No Weekdays, Only Strong Days
As we get into this third week of Shreduary at Coachman Training Systems, the doldrums of winter are trying to bring us down, but there...
Shred Zeppelin - Week 2
This week puts us into week 2 of Shreduary. Here at Coachman, most of our members and clients have decided to participate in a body fat...

Shreddy Krueger: Nightmare on Fat Street
Coachman's month of February is converted to Shreduary and the challenge to rid our bodies of fat is now upon us, but what does it even...

Self Reflection: Coming Back For More
January has always been rough for me. Coming down from all of the activities and pressures from the holidays makes me feel emotionally...

Resolution, Shmesolution
Happy Mid-January! In my opinion, January is the hardest month of the year here in Michigan (especially when its supposed to look like...